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Safety in Action Event 2024

                       25 Years of keeping children safe

The Team at Child Accident Prevention (Jersey) are looking forward to welcoming year 5 students to Safety in Action Event to be held at Highlands College between Monday 8th July and Wednesday 17th July.

Child Accident Prevention (Jersey) has staged this annual event since 1998. Each year over 1000 year 5 students from 33 Primary Schools across the Island visit 6 interactive workshops where they receive important, practical information regarding how to stay safe. This information is delivered by enthusiastic instructors from our partner organisations.

Following the success of the event in previous years and in response to valuable feedback we received from teachers, parents and students we have taken the decision to continue running the event over eight days with two sessions each day. Each session now lasts 135 minutes (previously 90 minutes). The first session starts at 9.15am and finishes at 11.30am and the second session starts at 12.15pm and finishes at 2.30pm. This gives our workshop leaders more time to deliver those important safety messages and there may even be time to answer questions.

Safety in Action sits well within the Key Stage 2 curriculum as it brings together all of the safety information the children have been taught and offers the opportunity to put that knowledge into practice.

Some of the comments from teachers attending the 2023 event;

    • First Aid – real life scenarios, very interactive. 
    • Outdoor/Play Safety – excellent information clear and useful. 
    • Fire Safety – very practical and interactive, taught children how to act in a real situation. Children took the workshop seriously and enjoyed crawling through the smoke. 
    • Road safety – Interactive, good use of local videos and photographs to make it relevant.
    • Water safety – lots of practical resources and interactive
    • We all think this is a very important event.
    • An excellent event. Very informative and the children enjoyed the interactive elements.
    • The children told me that they felt like honoured guests, thank you very much for the way we were looked after us Our students said that it was the best day ever.
    • Fireman did an amazing job, made it real and scary, but made us feel safe at the same time.
    • Engaging presentations with a fun interactive element.
    • Fabulous and very informative – so important for students to know this information
    • Gets better every year, very well organised
    • Very clear information delivery, lots of interaction with clear messages