Child Accident Prevention Contact Details
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01534 443614
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Unintentional Injury Statistics

Accidents happen, it’s part of growing up. Children need to get dirty, take risks, explore and have fun! Bumps, bruises, cuts and grazes are all part of life.

However, some accidents are more serious than that.

Accidents that cause severe injuries, disability or death are not acceptable. By looking at the local Emergency Department(ED) data we can see what kind of accidents are happening and put measures in place to reduce the risks. 

Evidence through data is so important. It helps us to identify where the problems are and to develop campaigns and projects aimed at reducing unintentional injuries.

We can then look at future data to evaluate those campaigns.

Using the ED data, we were able to help justify the introduction of  the cycle helmet legislation, as well as develop campaigns around trampoline safety, falls in under ones, finger crush injuries, dog safety and many more.